The first step in improving a system is knowing it.
In the context of greenhouse gas emission reductions, it is also the first step in estimating the current level of emissions that is called the Carbon Inventory.
By identifying the different emission sources of a unit and calculating the values of each of them, the total inventory of the unit is estimated.
For example, in cap & trade systems, the first step is the reporting of institutions from their current release, which is provided under the guideline (or existing standards) guidelines.
By approving and verifying this report, the current release rate of that institution is specified and compared with the desired cap.
In some cases, inventory reporting is a voluntary act. An example of this is the Carbon Disclosure Project (Carbon Disclosure Project), which the world’s largest manufacturing and service companies annually announce voluntarily.
After announcing the release of the release, the next step is to reduce emissions, which is followed by developing in-house strategies to reduce emissions.
To create a carbon footprint, real people and small software companies have been integrated into this website, which can be used to estimate this and to see its position relative to the average and middle-sized countries of the world. For this purpose, please refer to this page.